This is an charger upgrade to the KTH Segway (see the other projects). The problem with old one is that it do not handle balancing between the battery cells. And the segway uses three AGM batteries that do not like deep discharge. When the battery get totally drained, the cells will not get the same charge with the previous charger. So the solution is to build a much better suited charger that also handles the power to the other systems in the segway
The project is not done, so I will show what I have done so far.
Main board holds the charger and three voltage regulators that should supply various functions in the segway.
The charger is capable to charge the battery’s with Max 250W. And there is a lot of functions crammed into the unit.
The unit is able to monitor each battery charge current, and voltage to better calculate the battery health and capacity, it also has the capability to connect to external current sensor to monitor motor current.
Each battery has a sensor board that can discharge and redirect current from the charger. This way each battery can be separately charged and monitored. Each sensor board is daisy chained to the main board. So the main board can control as many battery’s the charger can handle ( about 46v ).
All the settings can be made from a PC program. The main board is connected to the PC trough USB and can log data while the PC is not connected. This way you can backtrack the charge/discharge cycle.
I will add more info soon