Next Quad Project
Advanced Bench Thrust Meter
So, what to say. I can’t just build and fly quadcopters. As usual I have to create something that makes me gain knowledge or create almost the same solution but based on my idea how it should work. So I couldn’t really help my self when I did not really understand why one ESC-Motor-Propp setup would be better than an almost similar setup. And there is a lot of information “as usual” on the Internet, but most is based on the writers opinion.
So I figured the best thing is to build a solution that really tests all of these parameters at once, so I can get my hands on real data to analyze 🙂
Read more about it here -> Motor Thrust Test Bench
Read MoreMore Power!!
So the previous quad with big motors and battery became a bit heavier then I hoped for.
So I made a smaller hex one with my standard frame solution.
And this one is running on 2s 🙂
I do not know how long it will hold because the motors are burning up on 2s, but wow the quad packs some serious punch 🙂
Raze32 Tested
So I made a new quad with my Raze32 FC board. One with FPV 8x20mm motors and a sleek carbon frame.
Read MoreMy own Flight Controller
So I been trying to build as small quadcopters as possible for a while now.
So I tought that the next step would be to design my own FC med integrated brushed motor drivers for a hex quad.
Been using the micro multiwii for some time, but after I started using the Naze32 for my 250 quad I was really looking for a better version of the micro multiwii, with no luck.
So after some time and searching I did my own version that is HW compatible with Naze32
I just finished the cad, and will be ordering a few boards tomorrow, will be fun.
I named it Raze32
It has the same HW as the Naze32 without the PWM7 and PWM8.
But I have added 6x 7,5Amp motor drivers for DC motors. the board can be assembled with or without the DC motor driver. So I can make a real hex micro, and still use the board for my bigger quads
Other then that there is a SBUS inverter that is connected to CH4 on the board.
2 open drain 300mA ports, so I can control leds direct.
the board is only 20x38mm and 0,8mm thick.
The motor driver takes 9mm of the lower part of the board, so it could be 20x29mm without the motor drivers.
the board has 3 voltage regulators, one extra for the external radio RX.
The MCU and MPU-6050 will be tested with 3v and 2.8v regulators, to see if it works Okay with lower voltage.
So there should be no problem with low voltage drop on from the battery if I use 1S.
It is designed to take 10v, so I can test 2S on the micro copter projects
The side pads is designed for standard 2.54mm pin headers.
Really looking forward to test them out
Okay, Carbon is the way to go
So my own design did not survive a 20m fall from a tree, how shocking 🙂
So I bought
a BEE245 from birdseye, a bit harder to break I hope 🙂
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